My mission is to bridge the gap between medical and natural care for autoimmune ... to help you get to the root of inflammation - and make the necessary changes - in an easy, realistic way.

Free Guide: Discover How To Reduce Rheumatic Reactions 

Plus easy food swaps!

This guide is for you IF you have a rheumatic disease or inflammatory arthritis  

And you're ready to take a science-meets-practical approach to making nutrition changes that stick and get results.


Click here to get started!

The Latest From My Blog

Don't like water? Try this instead

Jun 12, 2024

Making Sense of Food Labels

Jun 23, 2024

Mindful Eating For Autoimmune

Jul 24, 2024

My Story: Your Anti-Inflammatory & Autoimmune Nutritionist ...

Vanessa Bond, BA, CNP,  NNCP, AIP Certified Coach & Professional Advisor to IHN's Student Clinic.

I combine 12+ years clinical practice working in holistic and functional nutrition with my personal experience as  mom to an autoimmune teen, plus my own immune issues (severe allergies, elevated rheumatoid factor, IBD, eczema/psoriasis and suspected PsA).

Fatigue. Pain. Brain fog. Digestion. Weight challenges.

These are all symptoms of chronic inflammation and within your power to improve for the better.

Click Here To Learn About Vanessa

How Can Nutrition & Lifestyle Planning Help You Stop Chasing Symptoms?

Vanessa offers both private and group coaching services for individuals who are open to an integrative approach to healthcare and ready to regain control of their body, health and future.

  • This begins with getting to the root of inflammation, using select lab work and symptomatology.
  • Restoring balance using a combination of nutrition, lifestyle & supplement recommendations. 
  • Creating a customized plan, so you can build resilience, not just relief.
Click Here To Learn More

Success Stories

This is what RESILIENCE & RELIEF looks like for my members and private clients ...

  • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Sjogren's and Ankylosing Spondylitis - My doctor is taking me off medication thanks to you and my blood work is normal for the first time in years.

  • Ankylosing Spondylitis & Psoriasis My psoriasis cleared for the first time in 8 years ... My energy is back.

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis and Asymptomatic Lupus - I've lost 30 pounds in 3 months, and my pain has cleared up substantially ... I'm ready for the next step.

  • Ankylosing Spondylitis - I no longer need my prescription antacids and I've lost 11 pounds during menopause.

  • Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder - I haven't felt this good in a year, thanks to you and my naturopath
  • FIBRO & Type 2 Diabetes I've lost 40 pounds, my doctor is pleased, I'm sleeping better and today, my friend passed me on the street and didn't recognize me.

  • HS - I had no idea that food would help improve my skin and joints. I’ve lost 20 pounds and I no longer look like an Umpa-Lumpa. 

  • Ulcerative Colitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis & Lupus - My stomach hasn't felt this good in years and I'm walking 30 minutes a day.

  • Ulcerative Colitis - Normalizing BMs in 8 weeks vs 8 months of running to the bathroom.

  • CRMO My son's lesions are gone thanks to you.

  • Multiple Sclerosis - My blood sugar has come down and I’ve increased my weekly workouts. 

  • Multiple Sclerosis - one of my troubling symptoms cleared up in two weeks after making your recommended changes.
  • Hashimoto's, Rheumatoid Arthritis & Type 2 Diabetes My doctor is lowering my medication and I've released 30 pounds.

  • Hashimoto's - My energy is stable and I can get through the day, I love this new way of eating.

  • Hashimoto's - My thyroid numbers haven't been this good in a year and my kidney markers have improved, no doubt due to your brilliant guidance 

Autoimmune Membership

Relief & Resilience Are In Reach!

Get on the waitlist for the Fall cohort!

The Integrative Autoimmune Network is the ultimate nutrition & lifestyle membership solution for women who are ready to take back control of their bodies and health.

It includes 1:1 personalization, group coaching/motivation and self study so that it fits into your busy life and schedule.

Our team of experts and carefully curated classes provide step-by-step guidance so you feel supported and empowered in your health, with less physical symptoms and more opportunities to feel productive and in control.

It's the perfect, affordable complement to your doctor's recommendations so you stay motivated and experience greater progress.

Click To Learn More

Featured in

The information on this site is for educational use only. No information on this site is intended to diagnose disease or replace current medical treatment. Please always consult with your medical provider before making dietary, supplement or lifestyle changes.