Improved  Energy, Pain, Digestion, Hormones, Healthy Weight. Healthy Outlook.

These goals walk hand-in-hand with our members and private clients.

Vanessa and her team are able to help their clients improve energy by up to 70%, digestion by up to 90%, reduce pain scores by 30% and lose anywhere from 5 to 20 pounds in the first 2 months. 

Results are consistent. Here's why.

She uses the Autoimmune Nutrition Triad and Reality-Based Planning in all she provides so small changes add up to big wins, with less stress.

  • This begins with getting to the root of inflammation, using select lab work and symptomatology.
  • Restoring balance using a combination of nutrition, lifestyle & supplement recommendations. 
  • Creating a customized plan for the person, so they can build resilience, not just relief.


Functional Lab Testing

Certain laboratory testing can help identify imbalances that we can then correct with nutrition, supplement & lifestyle changes. Vanessa often collaborates with other medical & natural health experts on testing and offers functional testing to select private clients through Mosaic Diagnostics.

  • IgG Food Sensitivity (190 foods + Candida Antibodies) to quickly ID foods triggering immune reactions

  • Organic Acids (OAT) and MycoTox to identify metabolic imbalances contributing to inflammation
  • Comprehensive Stool Analysis to identify microflora imbalances

Orthomolecular Nutrition

Quickly restore energy, pain and digestion with a customized supplement plan.

When it comes to supplements, Vanessa believes less is more because you can not out-supplement food. She does not subscribe to one specific brand and her supplement plans are designed for the person, not the condition. 

Vanessa is professionally trained in orthomolecular nutrition & herbal medicine, and has the experience of working in one of Canada's top professional supplement companies that included nutraceuticals, herbal remedies and homeopathics (CanPrev & Orange Naturals). 

Supplement recommendations are for private clients only.

Personalized Private & Group Coaching



Monthly Membership ($47/month USD) + $147 Registration Fee

For women who are ready to take time and make their health a priority. Our VIP monthly membership fills the enormous GAP in both natural & medical treatment plans. It is designed to intentionally integrate with your specialists' recommendations, so you feel supported every step of your recovery journey. We provide the tools you need to stay active, enjoy food and stop feeling limited in your life!

The membership is perfect for those who want a  combination of self study, community, authentic connections & VIP guidance, at an affordable price.

Members have a wide range of diagnoses,  including rheumatic, neuromuscular, IBD, thyroid, inflammatory arthritis and metabolic conditions like insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

Click Here To Learn More!



$795 CAD (~$597 USD)

For busy clients who want a customized nutrition plan to support health goals or complicated health situations, using Vanessa's Reality-Based Meal Planning Method. We place a strong focus on increasing the nutrient density of what you're eating and make sure that your nutrition plan works not only for your diagnosis and health goals ... but your life! Flexibility is key.

Clients are typically already working with a naturopath or functional doctor, or have been advised that it's "time" to start taking their eating plan seriously for metabolic health reasons.

The package includes four appointments (90 Min intake and 3 x 45Min follow ups), along with a supplement recommendations. Additional sessions can be added on, depending on your needs. You'll also receive one-month access to our VIP membership.

>> Click here to book an introductory call

>> Click here to book your first 90 Min appointment



$1495 CAD (~$1200 USD)

For select clients who want to include functional laboratory testing to identify and target imbalances contributing to joint/muscle pain, digestion and metabolic issues. This package also includes VIP custom meal planning where we help you implement Vanessa's Reality-Based Meal Planning Solution with a strong emphasis on nutrient density ... what you ADD to your plate so nutrition is flexible and realistic for your life.

This package includes one functional lab test (food sensitivities, comprehensive stool analysis or organic acids ) in addition to six private consults (90 Min intake + 5 x 45 Min follow ups) and supplement recommendations. Additional sessions and testing can be added, depending on your needs. You'll also receive one month's access to our VIP membership.

>> Click here to book an introductory call

>> Click here to book your first 90 Min appointment

Book A Clarity Call

Not sure what is best for you? 

Schedule a complimentary call to discuss gaps in your current health plan, your goals and where you need most support. The call is free & provides pure support and encouragment.

Book Your Call Here