Five Steps To Create A Health Mindset For Autoimmune
Apr 09, 2023
That's how most of my clients and members feel by the time they find me.
They have spent months and sometimes years trying to fix complicated medical conditions and improve fatigue, flares, metabolic markers and weight ... sometimes on their own and sometimes with other healthcare professionals.
Like you, they have been down a million rabbit holes looking for advice and tips, trying all sorts of things (some with more success than others). When one thing works, another problem picks up. Plus with multiple diagnoses, it's hard to figure out what is causing which symptom and what "new fix" will help across the board.
Like you, these are smart, health savvy women. They are high achievers, productive and truly, there is nothing they can't do when they put their minds to it.
With this in mind, the biggest problem I see is that these women (maybe YOU too) have busy lives and as a result, have very little left for themselves at the end of the day.
For example, you might feel great for a week and you're feeling like you're on the right track, and then WHAM! Fatigue sets in or another symptom pops up, while life keeps going on and expecting you to keep up ... at home and work with kids, aging parents, dogs, garden, groceries, friends ... I'm sure you can relate.
Here's what I want you to know.
- You are resilient.
- You want to feel better ... and you CAN.
- To succeed ... to be consistent ... you need simplicity. This means asking yourself what you can do for 20% effort and 80% return, without a focus on perfect so progress happens.
This is why I spend a lot of time spent breaking down any health changes into bite-sized pieces so that they are easier to stick with ... tried-and-true techniques that are easy to follow when days are long and weeks are busy.
I want this for you too, so I hope this article helps.
The word mindset is very vague. It is sometimes called “the story you tell yourself” about who you are as a person (the good and bad). In truth, "mindset" is a mental attitude or belief system that influences how you interpret events or circumstances, often reflecting years of experiences and the thoughts/attitudes of those who surround you.
A great example is the story of the body attacking itself with autoimmune. Biochemically, yes there are self antigens. But the message ... the body is attacking itself ... puts many people directly into a victim state (my body is betraying me), and that's hard to get out of.
When it comes to health (or any matter), if a challenge seems overwhelming, too monumental, too complicated ... it will be. If you believe your body is attacking itself, it will be hard to trust it. It will be harder to move forward when you feel disconnected and betrayed by your body or believe you have no control over the situation or future.
With autoimmune, I want you to know there is always control over many critical factors that influence disease activity. This includes nutrition, lifestyle and decision-making habits that directly impact outlook, energy, digestion and chronic inflammation. And so when you shift the belief from "I'm complicated" to "I am capable" then suddenly the door to solutions opens.
Very interesting health mindset study
Here's an example of how mindset (your thoughts and the decisions you make as a result of those thoughts) can directly impact your health.
Researchers at Stanford University reviewed health and wellness data from over 60,000 people of diverse backgrounds. What they found was that the people who merely thought they were a lot less active had a higher risk of death than the general public. In another much smaller study, women who were professional hotel cleaners were told they were active because their job was physical. Four weeks later, these women started reporting they were active and experienced a decrease in weight, blood sugar and other biochemical markers for health.
How is this even possible? Researchers offered a few explanations as to why this might be.
- One is that maybe if we feel like we're less active (even if we are not) ... it may put us in a more "stressed" state. And stress has a negative impact on health and inflammation. Heres is another article that explains ... Stress, Fatigue and Autoimmune.
- Two ... if we feel we're more active, then we will live that way ... habits will follow that make us feel good about daily actions.
- Three ... a placebo effect ... no different than a sugar pill. If we believe we are active, we will enjoy the health benefits!
THIS is the power of the mind-body connection where the body embodies what the mind visualizes. Will this work if you believe that eating chocolate cake is kale in disguise? Probably not. Cake is cake, but there is room for "having your cake and eating it too" from time to time. In fact, stressing over NOT eating the cake can sometimes do more damage. I have witnessed this with my own family and clients.
A much better approach is learning now to connect your thoughts with your body ... and taking small micro steps to strengthen that relationship. This will get you to a place where you can enjoy the cake and not feeling guilty about it because you're taking other actions in your health that brings the cake back into balance. This is why I tell my clients not to sweat the small things. Life happens. Cake happens. It's what you do and how you think in between which matters more.
Reality-Based Meal & Lifestyle Planning (health mindset for autoimmune - strategy 1)
Myself and partners have a core belief (based on our 36 years of combined professional experience in working with hundreds of women) that in order to truly be successful in any health change that actually becomes a new, sustaining habit, that you can really only make ONE change at a time.
The more you break things down, the easier it is to be consistent with that change which means you'll be more likely to succeed. This includes changes with food, sleep, movement, stress management ... you name it!
I used to be an all-or-nothing person. My approach to nutrition was cold turkey and would rush my clients through changes quickly. That's when I had less experience. When autoimmune walked into our lives, I learned VERY quickly the added stress around food wasn't worth it.
This is when I shifted my approach to Reality-Based Meal & Lifestyle Planning, which has become my signature method in all I do. Life happens .. it can send you a curve ball just when you least expect it, and it pays to have a process and techniques in place that are easy to stick with to help keep your body on track for healing.
This approach is SO helpful that the clinics I previously worked continue to use this approach in their VIP programs because it works.
The results are consistent AND when you focus on the right things, it gives you time to start listening to your body, learn from your behaviours, and celebrate your accomplishments along the way for even more momentum and motivation.
So, if you're trying to do "everything" all at once, I encourage you to lean into ONE aspect of health whether that be nutrition, lifestyle changes, exercise or whatever else you're considering. Focus on that before moving onto the next. Build on small successes.
Substitutions (health mindset for autoimmune - strategy 2)
Substitutions are key if you are following a nutrition plan or making lifestyle changes of any sort. Here's an example.
Recently in a facebook group (not my own), I saw a woman post a long list of "no go" red foods that a practitioner had ordered for her child with celiac. Mom was in a state of overwhelm "How am I going to be able to do this? I have a picky eater." No guidance or meal solutions were given on how to actually follow that list. Another example is that many of my clients need a drink, sweet or snack replacement/solution to feel like there is some normality and satisfaction in their lives when they cut back on refined sugar.
Taking time to find substitutions you enjoy helps create a positive mindset around changing food habits ... You don't feel deprived. So, as you are making change, I encourage you to take time to find the replacements or substitutions you need to succeed. There will be hits and misses along the way. That's o.k. It's an adventure and it will help you figure out what really works for your taste preferences and lifestyle.
Then, when you have some tested recipes and food items that meet your needs, you will feel more confident to continue building on your success.
Better, Not Perfect (health mindset for autoimmune - strategy 3)
Instead of having a YES/NO approach where everything is good or bad, why not try aiming for "good enough" to empower yourself to make better choices, instead of perfect choices.
The notion of perfection, I believe, leads to a deprivation mindset. All or nothing. It prevents people from starting something new ("it's too difficult, that won't work for me, I don't have enough time for that right now") and it can lead to feelings of guilt, shame and failure.
Trying new things, making mistakes, figuring out what you like and don't like helps you learn how to make better choices for your unique situation. Journalling food or daily habits is a useful too because when you track what you eat, you learn how certain foods (or combinations of foods) impact your cravings, mood, digestion, energy, sleep and inflammation. It helps guide your next steps for small change. And it helps identify where you may need additional support or clarity.
That's a pretty perfect outcome, isn't it? Feeling empowered and knowing what works best for you? I'll take that any day over a perfectionist approach.
Look Beyond Food (health mindset for autoimmune - strategy 4)
Autoimmune isn't caused by one thing alone and therefore isn't fixed by one thing alone. What else can you do beyond food to help reduce inflammation and improve quality of life, mood and outlook? Just like with food, I encourage you to pick ONE thing to focus on at a time ... and go slow. This way you commit to it:
- Getting outside everyday to support circadian rhythm, fresh air and connection to nature?
- A short daily meditation at work to reset the nervous system and improve energy, focus and immune health?
- Building strength, balance and range of motion with your physio therapist or getting started on a mindful yoga practice at home?
The path is completely up to you ... the only caveat being progress, not perfect.
Like-Minded Minds (health mindset for autoimmune - strategy 5)
Lastly, be selective in the company you keep so that you have the moral support you need to move ahead with your goals. This may mean looking outside the home and assembling a cheerleading squad who understands what you're going through. It also means involving your family in the meal planning as you're making changes so there are less complaints and more solutions.
I'll be honest. When I first went back to school for nutrition and a young family at home, I had to look outside my marriage for support as I made changes for my own health. One of the worst fights I have ever had with my husband (a meat and potatoes lover) was about non-organic corn. It was an epic fight (one my kids still remember 15 years later).
But the fight really wasn't about the corn. It was about me making changes and his fear about what that meant for him, our relationship and having to renegotiate new rules to accommodate both of our needs and wants.
Thankfully, I had my crew to lean on at school to help me stay focused. It took some time and my husband and I found common ground (happily married for 22 years). He now acknowledges that corn is not a healthy daily vegetable AND I make room for it in the kitchen from time to time. Kind of like cake.
My point being ... all of these changes you're going through and trying to make ... it can get lonely. Surround yourself with people who lift each other up and you'll surely rise as a team.
- Mindset for health can be a powerful tool for better physical health. There’s a proven mind-body connection that research can measure.
- However, it's not just about "thinking positively." If that worked, PollyAnna would be a drug. Mindset is about dropping the yes/no and good/bad labels and getting curious about what's right for YOU.
- Lifestyle changes are as equally important as food changes when it comes to health. For both, apply a reality-based approach so you can stick with it for the long term.
- And lastly, assemble a team to support you so that you don't have to walk this path alone
- How is your mindset for health? Which of these tips resonate with you the most? How are you going to implement them in your life? I would love to know your thoughts.